We Are Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
ACTION is available on an appointment-only basis.
ACTION is committed to our mission and our communities. If you are seeking assistance, are interested in our programs, or trying to reach a staff member, please call either your county's Community Action Office or our Administrative Office. Please either click here or on the Contacts tab above for all County and Weatherization Department contact numbers.
ACTION diligently checks telephone messages throughout each day. All messages will be relayed to the appropriate person or department and your call will be returned.
When leaving a message, please clearly state your:
It is very important to state:
ACTION has several programs. By stating a brief reason for your call, we are able to refer it to the correct person to call you back.
We are dedicated to our innovative approach to break the poverty cycle by focusing our efforts on individuals who are motivated to improve their lives and attain not just self-sufficiency, but long-term sustainability through education and education-based training. ACTION partners with the community, service agencies, businesses and schools / colleges to participate in the success of changing lives. This is not a quick fix, but possible through education and training.
Each program has dedicated Career Coaches who partner with the participants as both a personal mentor and academic adviser to ensure they not only stay on track, but have someone who cares to give that extra push and help to build their confidence. The Career Coaches work with participants to conduct initial in-depth interviews and counseling to help identify strengths, weaknesses and life goals. We assist in developing detailed Education-Based Action Plans to reach short– and long-term goals, ultimately leading to high demand careers with upward mobility and commensurate wages.
Our Educational Programs include:
Each Program provides:
Our newest program works with youth who have made an unfortunate choice and are looking to earn a second chance. Working with the juvenile justice incarcerate facilities, our Achievement Coaches will mentor, coach and assist each youth to:
with all leading to future progression and upward mobility.
A.C.E. Workforce Development
A.C.E. Pathway
ACTION has two very similar programs committed to education-based training.
Our Achieving Career Excellence Program, A.C.E. Pathway, through the Department of Labor, focuses on individuals who are currently incarcerated.
Our A.C.E. Program, through Workforce Development, focuses on Special Populations including ex-offenders, veterans, seniors, and individuals recovering from substance abuse.
In each program, participants must be focused on and committed to improving their futures. Each must have achieved a high school diploma or GED, or complete their GED through our partnership organizations as offered through local Technical Colleges. Further, they must achieve a nationally-recognized Certificate in a high demand field offered through our partnership organizations.
To provide the very best opportunities for success to our participants, ACTION has partnered and collaborates with:
Participants will have an opportunity to achieve their GED and, even more exciting, the ability to continue with education-based training.
ACTION, Inc.’s Fatherhood Program, #1 DADS, promotes responsible fatherhood, healthy marriage and economic stability through the provision of workshops, case management and job skills training.
The program assists fathers with involvement in the criminal justice system within ACTION's primary 10-county service area in North Georgia plus Newton County. The program is designed to strengthen, establish, or reestablish relationships between an adult father and his children, or a father and his spouse/partner and their children.
Participants will either be currently incarcerated, have been incarcerated, and/or have otherwise been justice-involved in the past (such as sentenced to probation).
Through a father-friendly service delivery approach, ACTION, Inc.’s #1 DADS Program addresses the needs of fathers and their parenting partners and promotes positive change in the community.
The High School Youth Program provides an individualized approach to high school youth identified as having a high drop-out risk due to certain barriers in their lives. Our staff works side-by-side with each participant to ensure that each has the appropriate necessary support to graduate from high school, while also promoting career and/or training opportunities to continue their educational path to college, technical school, or to successfully enter the military or workforce.
Each of the youth enrolled is assigned a case manager that meets with him/her on at least a monthly basis to provide counseling and other services within the program’s fourteen elements. As funding allows, each participant is also provided with additional development opportunities to further enhance their future success.
Our services:
The Fourteen Elements
Made possible with funding through the Regional Commission / Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the High School Youth Program provides each participant with 14 elements of services as appropriate and approved:
Students who qualify: In order to be accepted and enroll in the High School Youth Program, each participant must be:
Athens-Clarke County
Cedar Shoals - Audra Collins: acollins@actionincorporated.org
Clarke Central - Sharon Barnes: sbarnes@actionincorporated.org
Classic City - Audra Collins: acollins@actionincorporated.org
Barrow County - Liz Long: llong@actionincorporated.org
Elbert County - Valencia Thornton: vthornton@actionincorporated.org
Greene County - Audra Collins: acollins@actionincorporated.org
Jackson County - Audra Collins: acollins@actionincorporated.org
Jasper County - Cary Best cbest@actionincorporated.org
Madison County - Cary Best : cbest@actionincorporated.org
Morgan County - Audra Collins: acollins@actionincorporated.org
Newton County - Loineda Peters: lpeters@actionincorporated.org
Oconee County - Audra Collins: acollins@actionincorporated.org
Oglethorpe County - Cary Best : cbests@actionincorporated.org
Walton County - Mequelle Jones: mjones@actionincorporated.org
Opportunities to Excel! focuses on expanding our High School Youth Program. Our Career Coach partners to transition students from High School and into College or Technical College.
Our goal is to help each student to realize their potential and achieve success by graduating from high school, continuing on to and graduating from College or Technical College, and ultimately succeed in a career offering future progression and sustainable earnings.
ACTION's dedicated EXCEL Coach first begins by receiving recommendations from students' high school Career Coaches / Advisors while students are in their junior year. Our EXCEL Coach then meets with each candidate and his/her parent or guardian to assess financial eligibility, program eligibility and commitment to achieving the goal of graduating from College or Technical College.
At the point of forming a success-based partnership, our EXCEL Coach works one-on-one with each student throughout their senior year of high school to transition them successfully into College or Technical School and, following the transition phase, continues partnering throughout the participant's post-secondary education to help ensure success.
ACTION also works with collaborative partnerships to identify students who have demonstrated success and commitment to achieving their high school diploma.
Our EXCEL Coach provides:
Who Are Our Participants?
Our primary participants are recommended by High School Career Coaches and Advisors from the high schools in our ten-county primary service area, along with students from other collaborative partnerships. Each student must be income eligible and committed to successfully graduating from College or Technical College. Additionally, each student must agree to:
One Opportunities in ACTION program, Opportunities Now, is committed to helping individuals make strategic long- term life changes. We have a dedicated Career Coach and are working with schools / colleges, businesses and other agencies to participate in the success of changing lives. This is not a quick fix and is accomplished by providing career management, essential employment and life skills training, mentoring and hands-on involvement by a committed Career Coach and staff.
Who becomes a part of Opportunities Now? Someone who is committed to entering and completing an educational track including:
Our Career Coach is dedicated to partnering with participants to identify their educational and professional goals, and then works step- by-step to map out a plan of action that will lead to a successful outcome. We are committed to:
What is Required?
Individuals interested or referred to this program must be income eligible. The first step involves completion of the application process and, if selected, to continue the screening process by participating in an interview to determine overall commitment and need for optimal success. Participants must sign a contract agreeing to:
Our Program Principals
ACTION provides services that lend a helping hand. Each county has a dedicated staff member who is available to help those who have experienced an unforeseen hardship in their lives or are in need of employment support. We assess both the need and the solution to getting them past the current situation, which may seem too insurmountable to focus on long-range goals. Our assistance may include help with rent, energy and mortgage expenses, or essential employment supplies.
We work with individuals to help them through an immediate ‘crisis’ situation that has caused them to become behind in their bills. In order to encourage financial sustainability, along with independence and responsibility, we have measures in place requiring individuals to:
Our counties include Athens-Clarke, Barrow, Dekalb, Elbert, Greene, Gwinnett, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Rockdale and Walton Counties
ACTION’s main goal is to assist both individuals and families in their efforts to maintain safe, energy efficient housing through Weatherization Assistance Services.
Our staff completes an on-site energy and safety audit of each home to determine the scope of work and most cost-effective measures to give the highest return.
By achieving greater energy efficiency in the home, owners are able to realize real monetary savings in their energy bills, resulting in cost savings in their already-limited budgets.
The Purpose of the Weatherization Program is to increase the energy efficiency and safety of the home. Energy Conservation services may include:
The Full Plate Program is the only food rescue and redistribution program in Northeast Georgia.
For over 20 years, Full Plate has reduced the food budgets of our partner meal-service sites by over 33%. Our program translates into real monetary savings to these agencies, allowing them to focus their staff, financial resources and programs on providing the best services those in the most need.
With a staff of only two, Full Plate picks up excess prepared and perishable food from commercial kitchens, restaurants and grocery stores in Athens-Clarke, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Oconee and Walton Counties. The food is then quickly delivered to agencies dedicated to senior citizens, domestic violence victims, individuals in substance abuse recovery and homeless individuals.
Each and every week, our staff members are able to touch over 700 individuals and, because the partner agencies are able to redirect their funds away from having to purchase food, they are able to enhance the services they provide to their participants!
The Full Plate Program partners with human service agencies serving a diverse population, including at-risk children and youth, domestic violence survivors, those recovering from addiction, and the homeless.
Some of our partnership agencies to which we deliver include:
This is an area that is very important to us. At one time, most of our departments operated very separately. We are now dedicated to operating as a true team and ensuring that we are focusing on an integrated, holistic approach to our services.
By working to touch multi-generations of families as well as transitioning individuals from one program to another, individuals are much better equipped to not only help themselves, but to move their lives forward beyond self-sufficiency, to true sustainability.
An example of INTEGRATING SERVICES occurred when one of our County Coordinators, when working with an individual to help prevent foreclosure, broadened the conversation to include their educational and career goals. Our Counselor connected the client with our Opportunities Now Career Coach to further pursue enrollment into a technical school diploma program.
Another example is with our High Youth Program. As our High School Youth successfully graduate, their need for mentored support does not necessarily end. For these youth, they are able to continue into our Excel Program or with support through our Opportunities Now program. An example of this is Felisa, a young woman who originally began in our High School Youth program. A couple of years after graduation, she called us and, through the continued Mentoring, Coaching, Support and other services offered such as tutoring through Opportunities Now, she has graduated from college with her B.S.N. and is successfully employed!
Kelly Girtz
Athens-Clarke County
Commission Chairperson
Pat Graham
Barrow County
Designated Commission Appointee Tommy Lyon
Elbert County
Commissioner Gary Usry
Greene County
Commissioner Kevin Poe
Jackson County
Julie Phillips, Coroner
Madison County
Open Position
Morgan County
Commission Chairperson
John Daniell
Oconee County
District Commissioner
Tracy Norman
Oglethorpe County
Commissioner Kirklyn Dixon
Walton County
Trevor Jones
Athens-Clarke County
Steffanie Sorrells
Barrow County
Mary Clark
Elbert County
Ricky Cosby
Greene County
Linda Foster
Jackson County
Anne Lackey
Madison County
Velde Hardy
Morgan County
Michelle Dickens
Oconee County
Aaron Otuel
Oglethorpe County
Open Position
Walton County
Tommy Lyon, Chairperson
Melvin Davis, Vice Chairperson
Kim Mattox, Secretary
Ricky Cosby, Treasurer
Kim Mattox
Athens-Clarke County
Eugene Thomas
Barrow County
John Hubbard
Elbert County
Leroy Crawford
Greene County
Lila Mason
Jackson County
Paul Boykin
Madison County
Sylvia Milling
Morgan County
Melvin Davis
Oconee County
Jennifer Lance Yauck
Oglethorpe County
Dena Huff
Walton County
Athens-Clarke, Barrow, Elbert, Greene, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Oconee,
Oglethorpe and Walton Counties
Achieving Career Excellence (A.C.E.) Workforce, #1 DADS and High School Youth programs also include Jasper and Newton counties
Achieving Career Excellence (A.C.E.) Pathway Home also includes Habersham, Hall., Hart and Newton Counties
Weatherization also includes Dekalb, Gwinnett, Newton and Rockdale counties